
God has not forgotten about you

a plan for your lifeSometimes, with the passage of time, we can begin to feel that we have no purpose or that God does not have a plan and purpose for our lives. The truth is that Gods wants to use each one of us. I believe we begin to step into our lifetime purpose as we begin to respond too and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Begin to do the little things that you have been feeling you should do. Be sensitive to others and to God.  It may take time, but that does not meant that it will not happen.
Joseph is another example from the Bible. Between the time when God revealed His plan to Joseph and the fulfillment, many difficult and frustrating years past. Joseph had to fulfill the ‘moment in time’ destiny faithfully over those years and then suddenly God stepped in and his lifetime purpose was realized and as a result his nation (Israel) was saved when it could have been devastated because of a drought and famine.

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