
I really want this life

satisfied lifeI believe that we all want this life. Why would we not want this full and satisfied life?

John 1:4 ‘In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.’

This life that God has for us, is like light in a dark place. The fact that God has a satisfied life for us should be a source of hope and encouragement. You want life; it is to be found in Him.  Not in your career, finances, position or education.  It can only be found in the source of life and His name is Jesus.
Sometimes we experience the life God has for us. BUT then we try to maintain this life.  As we experience what God has for us we need to become more and more dependent on Him and less and less dependent on ourselves.
This is difficult of humans. We want to be self-sustained or self-sufficient.  Jesus is the one who sustains His life in us.  It is like batteries that need to be constantly charged if they are going stay fully charged.   You can charge a battery once and it will run for awhile.  BUT not for long. A battery needs constant life to be injected into it by something from the outside, to be something that can be used and depended on. It is just like that for each one of us.

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