
He will come

Receive Him with open arms

Luke 8:40 ‘And it came to pass, that, when Jesus was returned….’

This is something you can be sure of.  Somehow this crowd knew that Jesus would return and He did.  You may feel as if He is far off, but He will return.
Perhaps you long for a closeness that you once had. Perhaps you feel like the disciples who were facing the storm while Jesus was asleep in the boat.  The truth is that He has never left you, His Spirit is always there. He has given us His promise that He is always with us.

Matthew 28:20 ‘And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’
Proverbs 8:31 ‘Rejoicing in the world, His earth, And having my delight in the sons of men.’

He delights in you, He rejoices in You.  It is a natural inclination to be with us and near us as His sons and daughters.  His presence is sure and guaranteed.  There is an old song with the following words: ‘Reach out and touch the Lord as He passes by and you will find He’s not too busy to hear your heart’s cry.’

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0 thoughts on “He will come

  1. Reblogged this on Fertiileground's Blog and commented:
    Amen! Come Lord Jesus! Come quickly! Our Lord is sure to return. I am blessed by Andrew Roebert as he shares this word with us.
    I had the privelege of brieflymeeting his father; Past Ed Roebert. Past Ed thru God’s grace, had a huge impact through out South Africa. He had always had a humble heart. He has been known nationally & internationally as a pastor’s pastor. His whole life spoke of the greatness of God’s abundant Love.
    We are grateful to our Lord, for giving us a man of Godly calibre.
    Thank U Lord for a man after God’s own heart, whom left a Godly inheritance such as this. Our prayer is that his children would walk in this same hertage, in Jesus Name we ask these things; Amen! & Amen!

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