Because of lack of understanding and ignorance, many Christians are held in bondage.
Proverbs 5:22-23 “His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, and he is caught in the cords of his sin. He shall die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.”
Because a person has sinned in an area so many times, he can be brought into captivity. According to this scripture, iniquities CAPTURE the wicked and he will be HELD with “the cords of his sins.” Some Christians seem to have little or no problem with escaping from their past lifestyles, whereas others seem to battle to break those old ties. Some find it easy to turn their backs on an immoral life or to break with their occult backgrounds, but for others this is not that easy.
The three major reasons why people are held captive by demonic forces are:
- Corruption
2 Peter 2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.
2. Unforgiveness
Matthew 18:34-35 And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.”
3. Idolatry
Deuteronomy 5:9 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.
It is therefore important for Christians to be honest and truthful about the hidden things in their lives. That is what the early Christians did. [Acts 19:18]. As we confess our faults to the Lord and to those who are shepherding us, these cords will be broken and we will be set free from captivity.
James 5:16 “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
These specific sins, must be confessed as the Spirit of the Lord reveals them, and forsaken. Where there is a demonic force that has its roots in hurts and wounds, each person who has caused hurts or pain must be forgiven from the heart of the believer. The key to this deliverance is first to get the roots out by confession and forgiveness and thento cast out the demonic spirit that is involved. If all the roots have been dealt with, there is no reason why the person will not be delivered. It is only unconfessed sin and unforgiveness that gives the demonic spirit legal right to stay.
Notice what the Lord says about those who don’t confess their sins!
Proverbs 28:13 “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”
If you are in bondage to a spirit that influences you, after you have dealt with the roots and the causes, you can resist the spirit and it will leave you!
James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
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as a Cristian, kn0wing the revelations of the Cross can set us free frm the bondage on which we inherited from the first man came, Adan. There’s a curse with in him coz of sinful nature that time he disobeyed God. And punished him by God and curse him,that’s why from generations to generation the curses carried also by the people . By then, because of God’s love to the mankind He gave the 2nd Man for us, Jesus was His Name. God’s purpose why He sent Jesus for us is to set us free from all the bondage of sins coz God wants everybody we’re forgiven and be save from our sins. When Jesus suffered and died at the Cross He already took our sins and He freed and delivered us from the bondage of satan. Jesus took upon himself the curses that we inherit to others have brought on us. And the first thing we can do of kn0wing The Revelations of the Cross is to receive freedom, we should identify all the curses we inherits frm the first generations up to n0w and then let us confess our sins and renounce all that sins you inherit and sins you have done. And the forgveness has done at the Cross And n0w we are m0re than conquerors because We are n0w cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. We need to submit to God so that we can turn curse to a blessings . To fight and resist the evil we need to bind the enemy with the strong Power of Name of Jesus. But before that be sure that the wall of protection of God be upon us. The strong faith to Jesus is necessary, AND DECLARE THE VICTORY OF THE CROSS and also we need to put on the whole arm0urs of God so that we can have an spiritual power to battle and resists the enemy thru the powerful Name of Jesus . Coz JESUS NAME IS VERY POWERFUL. And claimed to that IAM VICTORIOUS COZ JESUS WON THE VICTORS CROWN . Amen! And i Am a m0re than conquerors too because the Spirit who lives in me Is JESUS MY LORD AND MY PERSONAL SAVIOR, MY KING AND GOD OF MY LIFE AND GOD OF ALL CREATION AND I’LL BE THANKFUL TO HIM AND TO HIS GREATEST LOVE FOR US.