
Finances in the New Testament

Dale Yerton, in his manual  READY FOR BATTLE, says the following seven things:
1. The Gospels contain more warnings against money and its misuse than any          other subject.
2. One in every four verses in Matthew, Mark and Luke deals with MONEY.
3. One in every six verses in the New Testament as a whole, deals with or               makes reference to money in some way.
4. Almost half of the parables of Jesus have reference to money in one way or          another, particularly warning against covetousness.
5. The first apostle to fall was Judas. It was because of his love of money: he           sold Christ for money that he never lived to spend!
6. The first sin in the early church concerned  the giving of money to the Lord.
Satan brought death into the early church through money – right at the time when the spirit of giving was on the people.
7. The sin of Simon was that he thought that he could buy the gift of God with        money!
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