
Your own worst critic

Often we can be so hard on ourselves.  We blame ourselves for things that happened.  We blame ourselves for success lost or opportunities missed.  We often harp on our mistakes or things we should have done when God sees things so differently.  God sees all the things you have been through and perhaps failed in and He wants to take all those things and work them together for good!

Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

You may say: ‘I could have, I should have, I would have’ but God says I will take your could haves’, should haves’ and would haves’ and I will still give them value by using for something good!  With God we can know what it means to not have regrets.
We all have regrets, but God can even use them. Your misery could still become your ministry, your problems could still become a potential victory and your pain could become an area of power!
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0 thoughts on “Your own worst critic

  1. Thank you very much for this very encouraging magazine & motivating messages. It is very much appreciated by me n surely the others whom I’ve forwarded it to. This is just what I needed,regret & looking back n wishing one could have done better n blaming one self for the idiotic things n wrong choices in life we’ve done n made in the past will only cause or may,lead to self destruction,n that’s what the enemy wants! GOD bless you & loved ones. Dirk.

  2. dear brother & dear sister in the name of JESUS thanks for your new post,, dear brother have you free bible course by post mail,,i want to do this course, i hope that you will be help me in this matter,i am be prayer full to you and all your family & all the JESUS workers , GOD BLESS him ,,,,thanks & regarding  ,,JAVED ASLAM

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