
Stick to what God has said in times of change

One thing we need to stick with is to make sure we stick with what God has told us.  If God has told you to do something, you need to stick with what he has said and make sure you obey. Often times as we deal with change we begin to doubt what God has said.
Ezekiel 11:19-20 I will give you one heart and a new spirit; I will take from you your hearts of stone and give you tender hearts of love for God, so that you can obey my laws and be my people, and I will be your God.
I have had to hold onto what God has said to me in the middle of the most contradictory circumstances.  If you feel that God has spoken to you or opened a door for you, then stick with what God has said.  The alternative is being tossed about and that is even more difficult.
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