
You can turn to God

When the things that you are facing become too much you can run to God.  God is not a crutch, but He is the one who wants to help us.  He wants to help you today!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens mePsalm 18:2 The Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe; no one can follow me in and slay me. He is a rugged mountain where I hide; he is my Savior, a rock where none can reach me, and a tower of safety. He is my shield. He is like the strong horn of a mighty fighting bull.
You can run to God and expect to find a place of safety in the midst of whatever you may be facing.
With God’s help we can accomplish the impossible.  The fact is that God wants to help you and me.  If you knew that God was with you and ready to help you, would there be any hesitation in the decisions you needed to make?  Well God wants to help and He wants to see you through.

Psalm 18:29 With Your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.

This scripture speaks of the impossible.  With God and with His help you can achieve the impossible.

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