Life is not fair. Bill Gates said “Life is not fair – get used to it!’ Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us. Things don’t work out like we had hoped or planned. Things go wrong! We often end up doing things we regret. But in all these things we can know the God has a plan and He wants us to recover from the things that life throws at us!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
The Bible is full of examples of people who went horribly wrong and were still used by God to bring about His purposes. People who failed themselves and God and God still used them.
Think of Peter who denied Christ three times and went on to become THE ROCK and on this rock the church was built and established.
Think of Moses. He was saved from a certain death as a child, well positioned as a Prince in Egypt. Surely this would have been the most influential position from which to negotiate freedom for the nation of Israel. But he messed up! He lost his cool and killed an Egyptian and ran away. He spent 40 years wondering in the wilderness. The great joy was that God had not forgotten about him, nor had God changed His plans to use Moses to liberate the nation of Israel.
Another example is the example of Joseph. (Genesis 37–50)
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I am able to relate to these matters. Inded life did not always work out according to plans, which we had.
My wife & I wanted to do so many things. We had ideals, plans & vision to be able to be used of God. Yet we had not yet been able to fulfill them.
We regularly xperinced, our Lord’s; faithfulness, goodness, grace & mercy.
Ian & Joan