God is mighty! Sometimes we may think differently, but the truth of the matter is that God is mighty and that the mighty God wants to be at work in your life today. Never limit God. He is mighty. Those situations and circumstances that seem beyond your control are not beyond His mighty hand.
Because God is mighty, we can trust Him completely. We serve a mighty God who is able to do far above what we even ask or think. The greatest joy is that this mighty God loves each one of us and we are valuable and precious to Him. The scriptures tell us over and over again about how mighty God is.
Psalm 89:8 O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD.
We refer to God as the Almighty God, but then we think that He cannot handle what we may be facing. God is mighty, God is powerful and God is great. It is for this reason that we can trust Him, with our lives, and in the same breath we can trust Him with the lives of our family members. Nothing that you are facing is beyond His reach. You have not gone too far. Call on Him and expect Him to come through for you.
Psalm 9:12 He does not ignore the prayers of men in trouble when they call to him for help.
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Thankyou. I need God to do miracles in my children and grand childrens lives. Please pray with me
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