Often times problems come because we do our own thing. We do not allow God to lead us and guide us. And as a result we end up in problems. When we trust in ourselves and in our own abilities we are setting ourselves up for a problem. God wants us to trust Him and trust Him completely.
2 Corinthians 1:9 But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God.
Life does not always make sense. We don’t always know why certain things happen. Even when things don’t make sense, God is still in control. As a result we can learn to rely on Him and not on ourselves.
I have seen people who are so convinced of their opinion and position that it is impossible for them to change. God wants our lives to be a process were we are changing from strength to strength and from glory to glory. When we are confronted with problems we are also confronted with change. God can use these problems to help us make those changes that He would have us make in our lives.
Problems are a critical inflection point or a t-junction that calls for decision and change. There is a great song we used to sing: ‘Change my heart oh God, make it ever new’.
If you are facing a problem today, you need to evaluate if this problem does not call for change in your heart and in your life.
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This is so reviving, God is great indeed