
Why am I here?

DSCF5588 edited-001This is the age-old question. The question many people ask.   People ask the question: Why am I here?  What is the purpose of life?  Is there a meaning in all this?
The main question for us is the following:

  • ‘For what purpose did God place you and me in this world?’
  • The Bible gives us some clear answers to this question.

Our primary purpose is to glorify God.  This is why we were born and this is the reason for our existence.

1 Peter 4:11 ‘That in all things God may be GLORIFIED.’

Bringing glory to God is the one thread that needs to run through every aspect of our lives.

1 Corinthians 10:3 ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do , do all for the glory of God.’

The fact is that every aspect of our lives should be lived in order to bring glory to God.  We must bring glory to God who gave us life.  We must bring glory to Jesus who died for us.  We must bring glory to the Holy Spirit who produces new life in us.  We must bring glory to God – that is our primary purpose.

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