
God knows everything about us

Within each one of us there is that secret area.  An area that only we know about and an area that cannot be seen by others. It is an area that we usually keep hidden from others and sometimes we try to convince ourselves that it does not exist.  Here in this hidden arena of our lives we find the weaknesses and the challenges that are unique to us. It is those things that we do not want others to know about.  But God knows these very things that may be buried deep within us.

Psalm 44:21 Yes, he knows the secrets of every heart.

Because He knows these deep things, we can ask Him to help us.

Daniel 2:22 He knows all hidden things, for he is light, and darkness is no obstacle to him.

God knows the Godly. God knows those who have entrusted their lives into His hands. I believe that God has a special interest in those who have given their hearts to Him.

2 Timothy 2:19 “The Lord knows those who are really his”
Psalm 1:6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous.

God knows that we are not perfect, and his knowledge stems out of a genuine interest in the things of our lives.  This is a special type of knowledge, because it emerges out of our relationship with God.  God knows those who are His.

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