
How to ensure success in 2014: Motivation (Part 4)

This is such a challenging concept. God is so concerned about our motives that if He sees they are not correct it causes a blockage that can make Heaven seem far away. Have you ever prayed and felt like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling? Perhaps this has got something to do with God’s sensitivity to the things that motivate us!

James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives.
1 Corinthians 4:5 He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. (NIV)

God even understands the motives behind our thoughts.

1 Chronicles 28:9 The Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts.

This verse is such an encouragement to me. Many of our motives are the result of what we have been through or what we have had to face. This scripture say that HE UNDERSTANDS every motive. As much as God does not want us to have wrong motives, He still understands where we are coming from.

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1 thought on “How to ensure success in 2014: Motivation (Part 4)

  1. The advice in itself is a good motivation. I have often questioned my own motives when praying to God, particularly after I have sinned dramatically, often times it is the same sins that I commit. I would like to believe that my motives are not so demanding, after all, who does not wish to have sufficient means to provide a roof over one’s head and provide adequately for those that you love and who rely on you. I say that I’m an optimist, but remain as negative and despondent as they come. My biggest challenge comes on the home front where a mother who is so influential in my own life, but ultimately a bugbear in the sense that no encouragement, praise when it may be due, or wise advice is forthcoming. I have previously stated my prayer request, and would like to repeat it here again, finding it very difficult to pray myself and motivate myself to strive towards those gifts I desire and should be playing an active part in bringing it about. Love, Peace, Happiness, in the true sense of the word. To be a man possessed with wisdom and the influence of the Holy Word, patient, kind, gentle, loving, following God’s every move and Christ’s example. Gainfully employed in an occupation which serves God’s purpose on earth (I strive towards becoming a writer/practitioner in the writing biz), serving my loved one by marrying her before God’s altar and providing for her in the manner that she desires and in ways which only God approves of. Winning the support of my parents and desisting from resisting their own pessimism of me as human being and son and by honouring them as God commands.
    Today, I set myself yet another goal/s. To be fully (and gainfully employed within two weeks) gain the recognition I seek as a writer. Follow Christ’s everlasting example by the book. Protect myself and those close to me by protecting wisely (and growing) whatever limited resources I have left at my disposal. And to be profoundly happy, rather than depressed, in the sight, eyes and ears of the Lord.
    It is a mouthful, and perhaps an eyesore, but what is one to do in what is a time of great testing for me. Thank you for your work to date.

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