
How to ensure success in 2014: Be Kind to Yourself (Part 1)

This is one of the most vital keys to success. It may sound like such a simple and almost stupid concept. Why would one need to be kind to oneself? Yet this is such an evident aspect of people’s lives. I have dealt with many people and so often they are so hard on themselves. How easily we get disappointed in ourselves or think we should have or could have or simply failed or did not live up to some standard. Often we spend so much time being kind to others or to those close to us, like children etc. that we don’t afford ourselves the time to be kind to ourselves.
How can we be kind to others if we cannot be kind to ourselves? How can we love others if we cannot love ourselves? Kindness to others often flows out of a sense of security that comes from within us! This happens as an outflow of the kindness we afford ourselves.
Keys to successI once read the following quote: “stand up so you’ll be seen. Speak up so you’ll be heard. And then sit down so you’ll be appreciated.” John Davies.
We seem to spend so much time standing up for ourselves, or speaking up for ourselves that we often miss the opportunity to sit back and be appreciated. We say we must do this and we must do that and God says that he loves us anyway! The Bible speaks of the cares of this world and the fact that these cares can throttle us.

Matthew 12:22 The thorny ground represents those who hear and accept the Good News, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares of this life and the lure of wealth, so no crop is produced.

God wants us to be productive and this scripture indicates that this cannot happen while the cares of life crowd out the truly important! Life can consume us and before we know it we are consumed with pressures that we would never have placed ourselves under by choice.

Deuteronomy 4:9 Only take heed, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your [mind and] heart all the days of your life.

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