
How to ensure success in 2014: Courage (Part 4)

Keys to successThere are many obstacles to our courage and to a courageous way of life. I want to identify just three.

  1. FEAR – Fear is a debilitating condition that robs us of our strength, resolve and courage and keeps us from possessing what God has for us.
  2. DOUBT – Doubt is another little thing that has the capacity to constantly undermine and erode our confidence and determination. As a result it leads to lack of confidence in ourselves and especially in God.
  3. FLYING WITH ONE FOOT ON THE GROUND. – This might sound a bit strange to you but let me explain. My brother is a pilot and loves flying. One day he was trying to get my uncle to fly with him and my uncle responded and said he would fly with my brother anywhere as long as he could keep one foot on the ground. It is as though we want everything to be guaranteed. We want guarantees before we will move. I have discovered that in life there are no guarantees. Sometimes we must just get in the plane and trust!

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