
The final words of Jesus on the cross: JESUS COMMITS HIS LIFE INTO THE FATHER'S HANDS (Part 7 of 7)

Last words of Jesus
Here again we see Jesus refer to God as His Father.  The work is done and once again God is His Father.  He was no longer separated from His Father.  God was His Father.
He now voluntarily entrust His spirit into the hands of His Father.  In the same way you and I need to place our lives, hearts and spirit’s into the hands of our loving Heavenly Father.
You can trust God with your heart.  He is a safe place.  Put your soul into His hands today!
The reality of Jesus and His cross will hang like a shadow over all humanity, constantly inviting each man, woman and child to come and place their hearts in His hands.  Let us place our hearts and lives in His capable, faithful and trustworthy hands.

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