
God is our strength

need God

Nehemiah 6:9 O Lord God, please strengthen me!

This is a legitimate request.

James 4:2 You do not have, because you do not ask God.

We need to ask God for strength.  Not only when we are desperate, but also each and every day.  God has got new strength of us each and every day.  We are not expected to live on old strength!
God can become our strength. This is not a crutch.  This is the way we were designed and the way that God intended.  Just like a car was designed to run on petrol, so we were designed to run on God’s strength. He knew we needed it!

Psalm 22:19 O Lord, don’t stay away. O God my Strength, hurry to my aid.
Psalm 118:14 He is my strength and song in the heat of battle, and now he has given me the victory.
Isaiah 12:2 See, God has come to save me! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and song; he is my salvation.

Make God your strength!

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