
The choices we make carry a price

choicesChoices carry risks.  Marriage is an example of this.  Many times our choices cost us something.

Joshua 24:21-23 the people answered, we choose the Lord! You have heard yourselves say it, Joshua said. You have chosen to obey the Lord. Yes, they replied, we are witnesses. All right, he said, then you must destroy all the idols you now own, and you must obey the Lord God of Israel.

For the people of Israel to obey called for action. They had to destroy those things that had been their priority.
Even a right business choice has its reward.  Good and correct choices bring a positive reward.  The Bible indicates that the effect of our choices affects our lives.  It goes further to say the effect of our choices will influence the lives of our children and our children’s children. This is why choices need to be carefully and prayerfully considered.  God wants to help us to always make the right choices.

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