
A mistaken tone


Jeremiah 15:19 Therefore thus says the Lord [to Jeremiah]: If you return [and give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair]…

Have you ever discovered that when you are going through a hard time we can begin to sound like we are going through a bad patch? Jeremiah had begun to develop this tone.  It was a tone of distrust and despair.
Perhaps he was saying things like: “God has forgotten about me”, or “God does not have a plan for me”, or “trusting God is not really helping me”. Moaning or distrust and despair do not move God, God is moved by faith.  When we develop this tone we need to take decisive steps to give up and let go of this attitude so that God can begin to use us again.

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0 thoughts on “A mistaken tone

  1. Dear Sharon,
    Thank you for sharing this with us. We are glad that the daily thoughts mean a lot to you and trust that God will continue to encourage, inspire and guide you through these messages. To God all of the glory, honour and praise.
    We trust that He will continue to show His goodness to you.
    POSTAL ADDRESS: Box 32190, Glenstantia, Pretoria, 0010, South Africa
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  2. Good morning Pastor

    Thank you, for this one.

    This is just what I needed. Just yesterday, I had this “wrong” attitude, that God is not helping, or even listening to me.

    But, today, I feel much better. I realize – God has never forsaken me. He is there. All the time. In bad times, and good times. It is just, that I have taken my eyes off Him. And I started focussing on my circumstances, and other people. I was wrong. I have sinned.
    But now I now – no matter what happens. That God will be there. Even if it feels, that He does not listen to me, or hear my pleas. He is there – all the time.

    Thank you

    God bless

    [Description: Sharon Signature]

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