
When God stops speaking

dw07september15Read 1 Samuel 3:1-19
Eli was the priest and he should have been the one hearing from God.  Due to his personal situation, which God disapproved of, the Lord had stopped communicating with him.  The question is what had Eli, the priest, done?

1 Samuel 3:13 ‘…his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them.’

We cannot just do whatever we like or say whatever we like. Those around us cannot just be left to say and do whatever they like.  The result was that God has stopped speaking to Eli.
It is a painful experience to live through a season when the reassuring voice of God in our lives is absent. We should be very sensitive to how we live our lives.  We live in a very tolerant world.
We are often expected to tolerate things that even God does not tolerate. Perhaps even in our own lives we tolerate things that we know should not be in our lives.  If we do not deal with these things it can ‘upset’ the wonderful relationship God meant for us to enjoy.  Nothing must ever be allowed to upset our relationship with God.  It is even more important than preserving your family relationships.  It is simply not worth it.
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