

As we develop our relationship with the Lord, His strength in our lives will be an automatic outflow. In Psalm 59 we see how David had a relationship with the Lord.  It was a relationship that was living and real.  The Lord was a living reality to David and David looked to the Lord for intervention, help and strength.  David cries out to God in the form of a prayer and asks the Lord for deliverance and defense in a situation where he was an enemy of the state and a hunted man.  But in-between his prayers we discover a deep relationship with the Lord.  In verse 1, David speaks of the Lord as ‘MY GOD’! In the process, he declares his close and personal relationship with God.

He speaks of MY God. Not THE Lord or OUR God, but MY God. 
In verse 9 and verse 17 he calls God his fortress: ‘For You, O God, are MY fortress.’ A fortress is a place of safety and security and David knew His God in this secure way.  In verse 10 and verse 17 he speaks of the Lord as the One who loves him: ‘My God of loving devotion!’ It appears as if he could sense and feel the love of God towards him He speaks out of a tenderness of heart, regarding God’s love and commitment towards him. In verse 9 and verse 17 he speaks of the Lord as his strength: ‘O my strength!’ It almost sounds like a sigh of relief to know God as his strength. Just hear it: ‘O my strength!’ He knew the Lord as the One who was his strength and the One from whom all strength flows.  Perhaps he had learnt to live in total and desperate dependence on the Lord? These things flowed out of his relationship with the Lord. We can know the same things out of our relationship with the Lord.

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