Exodus 25:8-9‘Have the people build Me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them. You must build this Tabernacle and its furnishings exactly according to the pattern I will show you.’ (NLT)
In this story we see how God had a plan to build a tabernacle, or a sanctuary. The purpose was so that He could have a place where He could meet with His people and live with them. It’s always been God’s plan to engage with us and for us to know and experience His presence. But the people had a role to play in this plan – they had to build this place of meeting. They had to bring what they had and put it towards making the plan a possibility.
Exodus 25:8‘Have the people build Me a holy sanctuary…’
Part of God’s plan and purpose for your life is for you to make space for Him in your life. It is something you have to actively work on and deliberately pursue. He wants you to actively pursue Him so that you can experience Him for yourself. The truth is that God wants to be with you. He wants to make His dwelling (live among) with you.
Exodus 25:8‘…so I can live among them.’
God has a plan to use your life and to involve you in the process.
Psalm 90:1‘Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.’
In this story the people were on a journey and that journey took them through a wilderness. In this wilderness they had frustrations and spent much of their time going round and round the same mountain. Now the time had come for them to make a priority out of making space for God in their lives. The Lord instructed them to make this space where He could meet with them. In each of our lives we need to make space for more of God in our lives. We tend to get so busy and distracted that we don’t end up spending time with God or focusing on the Lord. We need to restructure our lives so that we make room for Him in our lives, and He can become the priority He should be. Even if our journey is long and frustrating and we find ourselves wandering in the wilderness of life, we can redeem the time by making time for God. Let us make those quality decisions and set aside time and effort to make room for God in our lives.
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