
Receiving the Holy Spirit

On the Day of Pentecost, after the Holy Spirit had been poured out and after Peter had delivered his Spirit-anointed message the people asked, “WHAT SHALL WE DO?”  Peter responded by saying four things, namely

  1. REPENT,
  3. You will RECEIVE the gift of THE HOLY SPIRIT and
  4. SAVE YOURSELVES from this crooked generation

Years before, the Lord had promised through the prophet Joel,

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh and (shall prophesy…dreams dreams…see visions”.

This prophecy was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost as the 120 were filled with the Holy Spirit as is recorded in Acts chapter 2.  At that time Peter made it clear that it was not just for a select few, it was for everyone.  He went on to say,

“For the promise is unto you AND to your children, AND to all that are afar off, even AS MANY AS the Lord, our God, shall call”. (Acts 2:39)

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0 thoughts on “Receiving the Holy Spirit

  1. Thank you For the Word of God encouraging us to walk in the light. I have learned so much of God since I have joined. God is alive Thank You and God Bless . May this link grow by the day

  2. Alive to God has been such a presence in my life over the last few years. When times are challenging and I start the day with your message, I feel I am equipped for the day. Thank you and God bless.

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