
Steps into repentance

If you sense that God’s wave of repentance is beginning to stir in you, don’t resist it.  Get alone in some place if possible and as He brings before you the sins you have committed LIST THEM on a sheet of paper. Then CONFESS each sin as a sin to the Lord.  Be specific.  Ask for His forgiveness and for cleansing in the blood of Jesus.
Then REPENT of your sin by way of telling the Lord in a simple prayer that you, by His grace, are going to turn your back on those sins and that you are now turning your life over to Him.  It is important to follow this up with a step of THANKING Him that He has now forgiven your sins.
Then in simple prayer ASK HIM TO COME AND LIVE IN YOU AND BECOME YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOUR AND FRIEND.  If you ask Him to come into your life, He will, He has!

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

If you take these steps NOW, or you have taken them previously, then sign your name below and date it accordingly.
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0 thoughts on “Steps into repentance

  1. I’m repenting to all my sins that I have done this year $ will commit my life to Jesus

  2. i’m very blessed by all you’ve shared..i’ve been going through alot n don’t know whom 2 talk 2 n where 2 go.thank you so much..

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