
The golden rule is the essence of the sermon on the mount

If we take time to study The Golden Rule in the light of it’s context in the Sermon on the Mount [Matthew chapters 5-7] we will realise the following:
The first word of this Golden Rule places us in the realm of action!  “DO!”
In other words, actions speak louder than words. True Christianity is not a matter of words but of action. It has to do with our actions towards other people.
 The word OTHERS makes it clear that we do not live in isolation!
We all live together in homes, blocks of flats or in cities, towns or suburbs. We study together in schools, technical colleges and universities. We work together in offices, workshops and factories. None of us live in isolation. At times we may isolate ourselves from the outside world for a short while, but the fact remains that we will continue to rub shoulders with other Christians and non-christians as long as we live.

Romans 14:7-8 “For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone.  If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”

It is therefore very important for us to live with other people according to the Golden Rule or to live as those who truly belong to the Lord!
A very important question needs to be answered: HOW WOULD YOU LIKE OTHERS TO TREAT YOU?
How would you like your spouse to treat you? How would you like your children or parents to treat you? How would you like your boss, or your friends or your work mates to treat you? How would you like people of other cultures to treat you?
I’m sure you would like people to treat you with dignity and integrity; in honesty and sincerity; with care and consideration; with understanding and love. Well, the Golden Rule says we are to start the ball rolling by treating others in a similar way.
The application of this Rule by each of us in our own environment will change both ourselves and those around us.
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0 thoughts on “The golden rule is the essence of the sermon on the mount

  1. By this shall all men know you are My disciples, through & by your love, for & toward one another. This is the Lord’s instruction given to us.

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