
We must declare war on non-expectancy!

AW Tozer wrote that ‘We must declare war on the mood of non-expectation, and come together with childlike faith.’  When we no longer have expectation, we stop growing.  We can never afford to stop growing!

I was recently reading a book on personal growth. In this book the author looked at four signs that we have stopped growing.
1. We lose our influence.
2. We don’t get promoted.
3. We lose interest.
4. We find fault with everything and everyone else.
This applies to our Christian lives in a similar way. When we lose our expectation, we lose our influence, we don’t seem to move forward in the things of God, we lose interest in general and become critical of others and the church when we should examine our own hearts.
We can never afford to stop living with expectation.  The Bible speaks about the hungry and the thirsty, and this speak about those who expectant.  A life of ever-increasing expectancy should be our deliberate plan and we must put in effort to develop our expectancy.
The enemy of expectation is familiarity. (I’ve seen everything!)  Familiarity means that we don’t expect anything more than what we may have already seen and experienced.  Familiarity causes us to expect more of the same.  Familiarity breeds criticism.
We must declare war on non-expectancy!
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