
What love does NOT do

It the same time the Bible gives us a list of adjectives (describing words) telling us what love is not. There are 8 things that the Bible tells love is not.  Here is a list of the things that love is not!

  1. Love does not envy. It’s happy for the other’s success.
  2. Love does not boast. It does not puff yourself up.
  3. Love is not proud. It is not arrogant.
  4. Love is not rude. It is not rough, crude or raw.
  5. Love is not self-seeking. It seeks the interests of the other.
  6. Love does not keep a record of wrong. It does not keep a ‘little black book’!
  7. Love is not easily angered. It is SLOW to become angry.
  8. Love does not delight in evil. It celebrates the good things.

What is love

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