
Disciples are fruitful

This is such a joy, to know that as His disciples are have the right and the privilege to be fruitful.

John 15:8 ‘ This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.’

The Bible speaks of bearing fruit, more fruit and much fruit. What does it mean to be fruitful?  It means that we are productive. It means that we are doing what we were created and birthed to do.  It means we are being a blessing.   It means that our lives are fertile and effect for God.  It means that we are making and difference, that we are being salt and light.  We can be fruit-bearing disciples by doing all we can for Christ.
We have a plaque in our family home that says the following : ‘We’ve Only One Life ~ It Soon Will Be Past ~ Only What’s Done For Christ Will Last!’  Be fruitful in your prayer life – pray for people. Be fruitful in the way you live your life – do the right thing.  Be fruitful in multiplication – make disciples.
Fruit is something visible.  It always amazes me when mulberry trees are fully of mulberries, how people and attracted to them.  Fruit attracts.   So when we are fruitful, we attract others and then we can point them to Christ.

Colossians 1:10 ‘L ive a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God!’

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0 thoughts on “Disciples are fruitful

  1. thank you Pastor for sharing me your fruit of sharing us the word of GOD. i rely benefit from your daily verses and explanation of the word of GOD. As children of GOD we rely have to by the fruits that we bear, and for this reason i would like to ask you to be with me in prayers so that i could also be able to bear more good fruits in order to also benefit others in the kingdom of GOD. GOD BLESS YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL YOU DO FOR US ALL.
    Mark and Bridget Nyirenda

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