
Five different tests that we face: the betrayal test

Joseph was an example of this. He was a great guy with a great future and God had given him dreams and visions of his future.  He was his father’s favorite and he was destined for greatness.  And then everything went wrong.  He was betrayed by his own brothers.  He was betrayed by his employer.  He was betrayed by his fellow inmates in prison.  But no matter who or what betrayed him, God’s plan remained unchanged.
We all face betrayal sooner or later.  It is not an easy test to get through. When we face this test it can often be the result of misunderstanding or the malicious actions of others.  It is during this test that bitterness and hardness of hearts can set in and destroy us.  The key to passing this test is to keep your heart tender and do not allow bitterness to take root on your hearts. This too will pass!
At the end Joseph was able to say ‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’ (Genesis 50:20)  So guard your heart and pass the test.

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