
It’s a lifestyle not a diet

January 2013 756I once heard someone say that people only need the church when they are ‘hatched’, ‘matched’ and ‘dispatched’. It is a very sad fact that many people only connect with God in times of crisis and trouble.  Allowing Jesus Christ to be our all needs to be a lifestyle and not a diet.
When some people have a special function or event coming up, (like a wedding) they often like to lose a bit of weight to look a little better. The route is often through a crash diet. Diets like these can last for a few days or a few weeks and then its back to normal and most people can testify to the fact that all the weight and more was back on in just about no time. The real and lasting way to lose weight is with a change in lifestyle.
The same is true about making Jesus Christ our all. It needs to be a lifestyle and not a crash diet during times of crisis.

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